Some Budget Full Suspension Mountain Bike for Beginners

If you’re new to mountain biking and planning to embark on your first adventure, you should read this article through to the end because we’ve included some of the fundamentals you should know. Additionally, some budget full suspension mountain bike.

Part 1: Overview of Mountain Biking

In mountain biking, you ride your bike on various off-road trails. Rough terrains necessitate a combination of strength, agility, and coordination in addition to a high level of technical skill.

best full suspension mountain bike budget

Mountain biking encompasses a variety of disciplines, from adrenaline-pumping descents to gentle rides. Whether you’re an experienced rider or a complete novice, you’re sure to find a path that’s just right for your skills. For those new to mountain biking, it is highly recommended to go out with a guide.

Mountain biking is a high-intensity sport that works the entire body. While riding, you not only strengthen your legs and lungs but also your upper body (when climbing with your bike or manoeuvring with your arms). Additionally, it helps riders maintain their balance, coordination, and stability.

1.1 Reasons to Go Mountain Biking in The Summer

  • During the Summer, Riding Helps you Build up Your Stamina and Conditioning

I don’t think there’s much point to riding your bike on a hot and humid day, but if you do it constantly during the summer, it will pay off when the cooler weather comes. You’ll have a great time riding in the fall and winter when you’re hot and humid all summer. Therefore, such a great reward for going through all those hard summer rides.

  • When Summer Comes, it’s a Great Time to Focus on Technique Rather than Speed

You can pay more attention to how you brake, corner, climb, and descend in the summer. Another benefit is that it gives you a chance to look back at your line choices and look at other lines that you might not have seen if you were moving quickly, especially if you live in an area where the rain and humidity make your trails slick and rough. So, you have to keep an eye on your line choices and your technique to keep the rubber side down.

  • Night-riding is a Terrific Way to Spend the Summer

Why night riding is a terrific way to spend the summer because, in the dark, you can ride your bike and learn about mountain biking in a whole new way. In the dark, seeing only the trail in front of you helps you focus better and shows lines you might not have seen in the daylight. Also, nature comes to life at night, allowing you to see all kinds of different life forms.

  • More Possibilities to Get Outside and Enjoy the Natural World Arise During Summer

There are more chances to get outside and ride a bike during the long summer days. You can ride while the sun rises over a trail in the morning. As the sun sets, the woods are bathed in orange and red in the evening. Also, warm weather, bright colours, and active animals make the rides more fun. For even more fun, pair rides with another fun thing. Taking a fishing pole with you is a good idea. You can stop and fish at a pond or stream that is near the trail. Moreover, people can have a picnic in the woods. It will help you get some rest while you ride, and you’ll have even more time to enjoy the landscape.

1.2 Mountain Bike Riding Equipment

  • Helmet

People who go mountain biking need to wear a helmet to protect themselves from getting hurt. A helmet that fits properly can cut down on getting a concussion or other head injuries.

  • Protective Eyewear

It’s important to wear glasses or goggles made for mountain biking to protect your eyes from rain, dirt, dust, etc. If you want to be more comfortable and see the road better, you should wear protective eyewear.

  • Gloves

The majority of mountain bike gloves wrap the entire hand to minimise the risk of injury in the case of a fall on rocky terrain.

  • Mudguards

Mudguards for mountain bikes act as barriers between the tyres and the bike. It aims to assist in shielding the bike from debris and other road hazards.

  • Repair Kit

This is one of the best things you can have because most problems can be solved with this stuff.

Part 2: Advantages and Disadvantages of Mountain Biking


  • Enhancing Muscle Mass and Strength

Mountain biking is an excellent way to build, tone, and strengthen your body. When you ride a lot, you get the most health benefits from your workout. Because you work your whole body out, mountain biking focuses on strengthening the muscles in your legs, thighs, and buttocks more than other parts of your body.

Furthermore, a good way to build up your stamina is to ride your bike on rough terrain or in the hills. Because there can be bumps and other terrains to deal with, you will also improve your body coordination.

  • Relieving Anxiety and Depression

Natural scenery, such as green spaces and wild places, is thought to have the power to change your mood and how you feel about things. You can try cycling in or near the city and cycling in open and natural areas and see how they feel and compare them to one another. When you see the hustle and bustle of the city, most of the time, you become stressed out.

As you go about your daily tasks, which may include mentally demanding tasks like studying, research, and doing the same thing repeatedly, you will always be stressed. This is the time when you need to take a break and go for a walk on the mountain trails. In this case, your pressure goes down, relieving you of stress and improving your mood.

  • Preventing Joint Problems

Mountain bike riding allows you to exercise and stay healthy while gentle on your joints. Particularly, if you have problems with your knees or other joints, compared to other leisure and sporting activities such as running, mountain biking is quite soft on the body, mainly while riding a properly equipped mountain bike such as bike that is the proper size for you and is suited to your riding style, discipline, and type of terrain.

  • Good for Your Heart

Mountain biking is a good cardio workout. Biking increases the amount of oxygen in your blood also mountain biking benefits your blood vessels by dilating and clearing them.

  • Waistline

Because different people ride at different speeds, it’s hard to figure out how many calories mountain biking burns per hour but mountain biking is supposed to burn between 500 and 1,000 calories per hour on average. Additionally, it increases the rate of your metabolism. That is why some riders can consume enormous amounts of food and still be skinny.


  • Crashing

Falling from a bike with high speed may result in a smashed face or a more severe disaster. The pain that comes with crashing might be terrible.

  • Mechanical Errors

There is no guarantee that a nice bike will provide you with smooth performance. Even branded bikes might cause an accident due to mechanical failure. Therefore, bear in mind that no machine is perfect.

  • Maintenance

Mountain bikes with full suspension are equipped with various components and materials. The various parts will increase the cost of repair and maintenance. As a result, It will cost a lot to fix, upgrade, or even to replace.

  • Expensive

A modern mountain bike can cost up to $1,000, which may be out of reach for many people. However, standard bikes may be less expensive and provide pretty much similar benefits. A high-quality full suspension bike may increase the cost. The same model rigid or hardtail bike is less expensive than the full-suspension bike.

Part 3: Some Budget Full Suspension Mountain Bike

After you know what mountain biking is and the pros and cons, you may like to purchase a full suspension budget bike to begin your mountain biking experience. Here are some budget full suspension bikes.

1. Schwinn Protocol 1.0 ($300)

The Schwinn Protocol 1.0 is a great bike for people just starting mountain biking. The Schwinn name is well-known, and this bike is built to last. There are times when mountain bikers may want to update their current bike for a model with superior features. Until then, Protocol is an excellent option for people new to mountain biking. Compared to other mountain bikes, the price is relatively reasonable, and users won’t have to compromise on the quality. Therefore, Schwinn Protocol 1.0 considers one of the budget full suspension mtb.

Additionally, the bike comes with a manufacturer’s warranty, which is a significant benefit for people purchasing the bike as an introduction to mountain riding. A lifetime warranty covers the frame of the bike. The bike’s components are insured for one year except for the tyre, cables, and tubes.

Although the warranties cover only manufacturer defects and not normal wear and tear, they provide a safety net for first-time consumers in case of a malfunction.


● Dual-suspension aluminium makes for a smooth, controlled ride no matter what kind of terrain you’re on.
● When riders begin on their first mountain biking adventure, they can put their trust in this bike. It is pretty sturdy, which makes this bike ideal for beginners, along with the affordable price.
● The brakes operate well in tandem, ensuring riders’ safety when they need to stop suddenly.


● The seat is stiff, which is inconvenient when traversing harsh, rocky terrain.
● On technical trails, Shimano’s finger shifters are ineffective.

2. Kent Thruster KZ2600 ($299)

The next budget mtb full suspension is Kent Thruster KZ2600. This bike is made entirely of aluminium alloy. Also, the frame is a good compromise between weight and durability. One of its most significant advantages is its excellent resistance to environmental risks such as prolonged exposure to water. Keep in mind, though, that this bike is on the heavier side. Additionally, the frame is at risk of scratching by rocks and other debris.

Furthermore, This bike is a full-suspension bike that equally distributes weight throughout the frame. It is equipped with a 65-millimeter suspension coil fork that is ideal for riding on rugged terrain. The primary disadvantage of this style of MTB fork is that it typically sacrifices a little pushing force when pedaling. It is less of a concern in level terrains. You will notice a difference, however, when ascending hills.


● The aluminium alloy frame resists rust and corrosion exceptionally well.
● This bike performs in various terrain types due to the 65-millimeter suspension coil.
● With a well-balanced combination of stylish features, this bike is sure to turn heads on the local trail.


● By combining a disc brake system and a linear brake, the stopping distance of this bike was somewhat longer than that of a full-disc brake bike.
● Pushing power is sacrificed on steep terrain with the 65-millimeter coil fork.

3. Akonza Cobra ($400)

With the Akonza Cobra, you’ll be able to jetting downhill, the coast around flat trails, and rip up hills with ease. It’s also a price of less than $500. Suspension is a better term for the Akonza Cobra’s frame because the suspension is integrated into and a component of the frame. Furthermore, this combination is necessary to make the frame and suspension more durable and responsive to trail impacts.

The front fork is a part of the suspension. It lets you easily ride on a wide range of trails and terrain. Also, the suspension will absorb the shock and protect your shoulders, elbows, wrists, and neck from the trail’s rough shocks and bumps, which can be very painful. As a bonus, it will also keep you from flying over the handlebars if you hit a tough bump.

Furthermore, both tyres are 26 inches wide, and they are also 1.95 inches wide. Then, it gives you a good mix of speed and traction, which is essential. If you want to go fast on the trail, you can do so while still having good control.


● Easy storage and transportation.
● Durable exterior.
● The nylon pedals are made to last a long time.
● Lightweight.
● Easy to ride on any surface.
● An economical option that isn’t too pricey.


● No water pot holder available.
● Difficult for shorter riders to operate.

Part 4: Conclusion

Mountain biking is a sport that offers numerous benefits, but you must also consider several factors, such as the completeness of the equipment you must have before riding. Additionally, this sport does have some disadvantages that you should be aware of. At the moment, If you are a novice searching for a budget full suspension bike, it is critical that you do research before making a purchase. Due to the fact that most full-suspension mountain bikes with a low price are of poor quality. It is good that you visit the store in person rather than purchasing online.