How to Mountain Biking Jumps

Mountain biking jumps aren’t just for adrenaline junkies, it’s a fundamental skill that every mountain biker can and should learn. And it’s not that difficult once you’ve got the hang of the techniques involved.

Part 1: Why Mountain Biking Jumps

Getting your wheels off the ground is one of the best feelings in mountain biking if you can jump consistently and in control. The feeling of floating above the trail is as addictive as if you have all the time in the world, and in addition to being fun, it opens up a world of possibilities when connecting features together during normal riding . If you can choose between heavy and light positions when jumping, then you can apply the same strategy to textured paths and technical obstacles. This in turn means you can create traction and control where certain shapes are recognized, and enjoy that ethereal feel on the same features that have given you all the problems in the past.
mountain biking jumps

Part 2: The Feeling of Mountain Biking Jumps

Mountain biking jumps are a fun thing. From the outside, jumping should be exhilarating and exciting. Like it’s supposed to be explosive and launch you into the air. In fact, if you’re jumping right, it’s because you’re confident and smooth. This comes from doing slow movements and putting your weight back into the entire function to create consistent stress and drive. Once you get off the ground, you get into something so static and predictable that riders are often surprised because they feel like they should be doing more. The effort involved in jumping should be on the ground and last a long time. Afterward, the airtime should feel like you’re floating and you’ve locked in all the stability of the takeoff shape.

Part 3: How to Mountain Biking Jumps Drop into Downslopes

1. Method

Relax when approaching, but focus on your goals Steve Behr
Stand in your neutral position and stay relaxed and at ease because you’ll be energized in no time! As you approach, look for the landing spot, but keep your head up.

2. Push down

When you leave your lips, lower your body and push your bike forward Steve Bell
As you approach the edge, lower your body and push the bike forward with your arms. You need to time this so your bike has no weight on the edge.

3. Stretch your legs

Stretch your legs as you descend, focusing on a smooth landing Steve Behr
As you travel through the air, start to stretch your legs and allow the bike to come back under you. Keep looking up and think about stepping on the pedals.

4. Compression on landing

Use your legs to absorb the impact when landing Steve Bell
Strive to land in a firm position and take the impact with your legs. This will ensure you’re ready for the next function and in a good position when it’s time to brake.

Part 4: How to Mountain Biking Jumps Ride Rocky Roads

1. Keep your stance low

Look up, look for a clean line and exit
Look for a straight, clean line and control your entry speed so you approach the slab with enough speed to keep your balance. Stand on the pedals and lower the bike a little by lowering your chest towards the bar.

2. Transition to Steep

Extend your arms and keep your front wheel away from you
As the front wheel transitions from flat to steep, extend your arms and bend your knees so the bike changes angle while your upper body stays at the same angle. The bike will effectively spin beneath you.

3. Get your weight over the bottom half

push your heels down so your weight goes through your bb
Push your heels down to support your weight and look up. If you weigh more than the bottom bracket, you’re in a safe place. The bike should be in front of you and the saddle will move forward between your legs.

4. Transition to Flat

Remain relaxed when exiting and return to a neutral body position
Extend your legs and bend your arms to keep the bike level so you can return to a neutral position. With enough grip, you can drag the brakes evenly from end to end to control your speed.

Part 5: Mountain Biking Jumps Tips

Start by learning tabletop jumps, not tandem jumps, because if you screw up, you’ll have a flat, safe area to land on. Not too big too fast.
If you’re having trouble jumping with SPD pedals, try installing some flats.
Also play with your time and find what works best for you.
Get your tempo right: Set your tempo early so you have time to prepare. Start falling at a moderate pace – you can hit the ball slower or faster once you’re comfortable.
Don’t lean back: Don’t confuse lowering with leaning back. Consider pushing the bike forward and dropping your hips. It might look like you’re leaning backwards, but you’re definitely not. There should be no weight on the rear wheel as you go over the edge.
Stay positive and focused: Focus on what you have to do. If you have any negative thoughts or concerns, find a way to get over them and focus on what you need to do before trying to descend.

Part 6: Develop Your Mountain Biking Jumps Style

Leaning slightly in the jump, or turning the bar a little, is usually all it takes to add a little style. Remember, in order for you to feel like you have the time and control to make some adjustments there, you must first be sure to take off. The secret to being able to do anything on it is having confidence in taking off. This will come from practicing the smooth delivery of your drive. If you’re pulling in the air, that’s your trick. You’ll be skipping SPD forever. Take some time to keep pushing with your legs, enjoy more time off the ground, and while you’re there, you’ll have plenty of time for all the little styles.